Blog Eight

Food or Blog Eight? I'll Have Blog Eight

Location: Auckland, New Zealand

Friday, May 20, 2005

More About Work

Man it's so funny, all the guys at work are fully getting into Star Wars now - tonight all the guys on floor downstairs were dressed up in Star Wars costumes and before every Star Wars movie, during the ads, they would come in and do something the front of the theatre. The one I saw invloved Darth Vader walking into the theatre while LUke ran leapt down from the Circle Lounge and they had a lightsaber fight in the front of the theatre while stormtroopers watched. They got applauded by the people coming to watch. C3PO got a rapturous cheer as he wandered across the front of another cinema just before they had another battle. This time Everyone was involved - Luke was trying to rescue Leia from Darth Vader and the Stormtroopers and Yoda was in there somewhere too. It was so funny, they got a lot of laughs and cheers from the crowd. It was great.

Seeing it tomorrow night! I can't wait!! 22 hours to go...


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