Blog Eight

Food or Blog Eight? I'll Have Blog Eight

Location: Auckland, New Zealand

Thursday, May 19, 2005

Post Mortem


Work last night was incredible! It was SO much fun! There was a really festive atmosphere and everyone felt it. Some of us staff got to dress up in Star Wars costumes. Most the guys wanted to be stormtroopers but I got to be Darth Vader himself. I got one of the only lightsabers that worked and I had a duel with a customer who also had one :P I also had a couple of photos with people who wanted to be able to say "See that? That's me and Darth Vader!" It was really weird though - it was like there was something in the air, none of us staff in the Circle Lounge could focus on what we were meant to be doing, we were constantly being distracted, and we were all unusually hyperactive. No one cared though, like I said, it was an amazingly festive atmosphere.

I'm probably gonna go see it on Saturday night. Feel free to come along. $12 to see it on the biggest screen in the country (Cinema 1 at Berkeley Botany). I CAN'T WAIT.




It's still not Saturday night :(

Oh yeah, that's what I was going to say - I had a dynamics test tonight. It was HORRIBLE! It was an abomination to mankind. I was very very angry when I walked out. Turned out that the mood suited perfectly - when the others came out of their debate, we were 4 angry, frustrated guys all in a row.





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