Blog Eight

Food or Blog Eight? I'll Have Blog Eight

Location: Auckland, New Zealand

Thursday, June 09, 2005

Broken People

I'm in a funny mood tonight. Not funny as in "haha" but funny as in unusual. Mum has said twice tonight that I'm acting strangely and I'm not myself. Apparently I'm being quite nasty tonight. I dunno... I didn't notice anything different about me until she said it... And now I have noticed... I feel like I really couldn't care much less right now - almost bitter in a way, and yet I have nothing to be bitter about. I dunno. Self-diagnosis never works.

What is it with everyone? I've noticed you're all doing it in one form or another at different times - everybody's getting depressed and having pity parties for themselves - and I don't mean just one or two people but everyone! At least - everyone who shares/accidently betrays their feelings. STOP IT!!!!! What are you talking about?! Of course you matter and of course we care!! Everybody gets depressed and everybody gets lonely. You are no different. I knew the feeling well once and I know what I'm talking about - that feeling (as I found out) is a total lie and you are wasting your time if you listen to it.

Pent-up anger. That's what it is. That's my mood tonight. And I'm ready to take it out on anybody.

Hello to you people in the USA who read my blog. Yes you. Hello.

Pent-up anger and a sense of tragedy. Why on earth do I have pent-up anger? And why am I feeling so tragic? Was it the exam? No - although now I think about it I was pretty angry in it - although it didn't come from the exam... yet I was normal before... I think...

I dunno. Just letting off steam I think... we all do that too...

Gotta find a way to stop it building up in the first place...

I watch the Star Wars movies and I think 'Oh how I can relate to Anakin Skywalker'.



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