Blog Eight

Food or Blog Eight? I'll Have Blog Eight

Location: Auckland, New Zealand

Thursday, May 26, 2005 - my blog now offically links to itself. How cool and pointless is that?

I forgot to take my phone to uni today -_- so I couldn't reply to people's texts. I don't know if you read this Simon, but that's why I didn't reply. My mum replied to the others :P to say that I'd left it at home. I don't like leaving texts unanswered, it seems I can't be bothered replying to that person when actually I can be bothered, but I physically can't.

Congratulations to Liverpool by the way! From what I hear it was a truly momentous game. Almost would have wanted to see it if it wasn't at such an inhumane hour.

Exams approaching fast ... I should start studying.

Night ~


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