Blog Eight

Food or Blog Eight? I'll Have Blog Eight

Location: Auckland, New Zealand

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Wednesday Night and it's a Full Moon

While we're on the subject, I want a real lightsaber too! I want a blue one. Blue ones are the coolest.

I'm finally free!! Finally - I've made it through the semester!! It feels SO GOOD to only have 3 things due next week! Honestly, I'm feeling so liberated right now I feel like I'm on holiday. Now that our truss report was handed in today I have nothing due until next monday when I have an assignment and a project, and then the truss on wednesday. So little to do! Of course, I could use this time by studying for exams, but that would just be overkill.

Why don't Grace and Brad and ppl visit my blog too? Although having said that my sitemeter has been taking some rather drastic leaps these last few days - I'm sure it was under 900 just a few days ago.

It feels so good!...

I want to write a story. A long story. A saga that people can't put down. Better than Lord of the Rings and better than Star Wars and better than Narnia and definitly better than all those sci-fi-geek "Dark Tower of Krondik" and "Angels of Nevem" kind of "sagas" that no one but science-fiction geeks read. I don't like those quasi-science-fiction-fantasy books. They're all exactly the same and they even have covers that all look the same and they're all made the same way and I don't like them. They are an insult to literature.

I want to write something that will get all of society talking.

That's another insult to literature - women's magazines! I hate them too! Infact they're more than just an insult to literature, they're an insult to intellect, to the people they gossip about and the people who read them. Hollow pipes make the most noise in a breeze and hollow minds make the most noise through their mouths.

Hardly anyone's online. Time to go do something else. Night ~


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