Blog Eight

Food or Blog Eight? I'll Have Blog Eight

Location: Auckland, New Zealand

Friday, June 10, 2005

Cure For Anger

Next time you are really angry try this:

1. Pick up an axe.
2. Take it outside to your driveway
3. Stand in the middle of the driveway facing the street with your feet about shoulder width apart.
4. Brandish the axe menacingly while you roar as loud as you can and as angrily as you can for as long as you can. Feel free to include words. Move around if you need to. Swinging the axe is not recommended though.
5. Once rage has been sufficiently diminished, get inside as fast as you can and hope noones called the cops. You will no when you are no longer angry because suddenly you'll care about whether or not the cops have been called.

Just a suggestion.

No I haven't tried it personally.

Stupid broadband modem installation CD. Doesn't even run on my computer. Runs fine on the old computer but not on this one. Stupid CD. Stupid broadband - so tantalisingly close yet so far...

Idiot Xtra. Just when all my annoyed-ness had been diminished.


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