Blog Eight

Food or Blog Eight? I'll Have Blog Eight

Location: Auckland, New Zealand

Sunday, July 03, 2005

Why We Hate Cockroaches

Cockroaches have been coming increasingly a topic of conversation at work. That's not a good sign. I've already had to fight off two in the past couple of weeks! I think someone's been a busy breeder somewhere. Somewhere nearby...

Cockroaches are the only insect I actively despise - even more than mosquitoes, and that's saying something. I will always kill any cockraoches I come across. I hate them. They are a pest, and they're really, really, really creepy. Normally I'm happy to let insects crawl over me, but you would NEVER see me handling a cockroach!

The worst thing is that they just don't die! You stamp on them and they crawl away, you flush them down the plug-hole and they crawl back up, you burn them and they barely notice it. My dad puts the fly spray can right up against them and squirts for a full five seconds, and still they crawl! And if they do die from poison, their eggs (which they carry inside them) live on, and hatch into lots of little cockroaches who are resistant to that particular poison! Cockroaches just don't die. And they can fly too! I never knew that, but they can. I'm sure you could make a horror movie about that.

Also, they're filthy. If a cockroach crawls across a piece of food, that food goes off. Just like that. It could be as fresh as eggs, but along comes a cockroach, and the food starts rotting. If a cockroach crawls across you, you have to wash that part of you very thoroughly.


That's a cool twix ad Dennis! It got me laughing :D you should definitely send it in!

I worked all weekend this weekend. I was at work 7:30am yesterday morning for a meeting, then went back for a 7 hour shift, followed by an all day one today :S I've feel like I've really earned my wages this week.

The All Blacks sure taught the Lions how to play last night! :D :D

What else of note?

I'm so tired. Puckerooed. Hardly any sleep this weekend.


Although, having read some cockroach collectors sites on the web, and seeing the passion with which they describe them, you can't help but begin to like the little critters...


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