Blog Eight

Food or Blog Eight? I'll Have Blog Eight

Location: Auckland, New Zealand

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Back To Uni...

Well I didn't have any random Macleans experience like everyone else, but Thomas Wood did randomly get on my morning bus, and Sam Forde did randomly get on my home bus, so I had unexpected company both in and out today :D I'm usually the only ex-Macca on the 50.

Second day of uni and already I have about 3% counting towards my Chemmat mark, and a Design project due in in 3 and 6 weeks! And I gotta buy textbooks this semester :( that sux.

Kinda worried about the fees/income balance this semester. I hope I get enough work. I'm NO LONGER WORKING FRIDAY NIGHTS!!!!!!!! I CAN GET MY SOCIAL LIFE BACK!!!!!!

yeah, i'm happy about that :P

Strikes tomorrow. Dunno if they affect me or not - I havn't heard anything. I know I have my Design tutorial tomorrow, but I don't know about my other classes....

Subway toasts your sandwiches now :D



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