Blog Eight

Food or Blog Eight? I'll Have Blog Eight

Location: Auckland, New Zealand

Saturday, July 09, 2005

Back and In Review

Came back from holiday last night and went straight to work. Then worked today, and will work tomorrow. Then I go away again on Monday...

Went to Manukau Heads on tuesday with the broz Simon, Janks, Paul and Julia in the puring rain. Stayed at Paul's bach in the pouring rain, then came home yesterday in it :P Wet week

Saw the final episode of Lost there. The amazing final of an amazing series! Thinking over it - it was a great way to end it, despite the frustrating cliff-hanger! It resolved everything explored during the series (except, obviously, the issues of what was under the hatch, and who The Others are (it even semi-resolved the invisible monster)) - the way it resolved each charcater study by following each character as they got on the plane, was really well done, yet left enough to explore in a new series. Same with the whole purgatory/atonement/new life concept too.

I also found the whole tesnion between the "man of science" and the "man of faith" that was always there, but not verbalised until this last episode, very interesting - a tension that has a personal significance for me - they've very effectivly shown everything that's happened on the island from two points of view - Jack's and Locke's, and posed some interesting questions about destiny and reality.

Personally, I think Lost has done in TV what The Matrix did in the movies.

As I said, it was an amazing final to an amazing series.

Anyway, I really, really want to see War of the Worlds. I've seen bits of it working at the movies, and while it has a few flaws, it looks to me like a very good movie. And I still have to see Batman Begins.

Marks... as I write this I have 3 out of 4 marks back -
B- in Mechanics
B in Design
B+ in History
I will check to see if Maths is up soon.

Last semester I had:
- 13 or so assignments
- 5 or so projects (2 of which were worth 20% each)
- 5 tests
- 2 essays

Very busy. Busier next semester, and every semester after that. May not continue BA. Have to get B- average anyway in order to continue. Don't know whether I'll be too inundated with coursework to be able to acheive it...

If I did continue I think I would take French and maybe Politics on top of History. I could potentially be looking at 11 papers nect year...

Newayz, night~


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