Blog Eight

Food or Blog Eight? I'll Have Blog Eight

Location: Auckland, New Zealand

Sunday, July 17, 2005


About time I produced another post...

So... what have I done? Well I've worked a heap since I last posted. That's been fun... in fact for the most part it's been great - great workmates, great jobs, great times :) Had some interesting times - had a lady faint a couple of times in the Circle Lounge coz she had just given 1/5th of her blood. That's what they do at bloodbanks, take 1/5th of it. You have 5 litres of blood in your body and they take 1 litre of it. Apparently. Bloodsuckers. Still, it's for a good cause. I don't like blood. If I went and donated, I'd need probably need a transfusion just to wake me up! Ugh.

Quite some time ago I put together a playlist of a couple of hundred songs which I listen to whenever I'm on the computer, and it's on random, but it keeps playing the same 20 or so songs over and over again. It's really annoying!

Saw Batman Begins today! I wasn't needed on shift, so the manager sent me (and some others) off packing to watch a movie :D and we saw that. VEry good movie! I can't be bothered writing a review or anything like that of it. I'm too physically, mentally, and emotionally drained, so suffice it to say that despite a somewhat confused start, it is very well done, and had me hooked throughout. I'll put a lot of money on there being a sequel too.

Uni starts on monday for those of you who are too far gone to know where you are. So many ppl telling me they don't want to go back...

Scary thing is, I can empathise with these people. To a small extent, I even feel the same...


I'm listening to a piece of music right now from the Finding Neverland soundtrack. I really like it. It's called Forgotten Overture, and it goes like this:




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