Blog Eight

Food or Blog Eight? I'll Have Blog Eight

Location: Auckland, New Zealand

Friday, July 29, 2005

Protesters and their Sirens


Has anyone else been vaguely bothered by the protests at uni over the last two days? I have. I'm not sure why. I keep thinking that I should be supporting them, yet I can't help but wish I could pour a massive bucket of water over them...

Yesterday coming out of LLT around midday, I could hear a siren wailing from over by HSB that sounded like some sort of lost soul. I thought it was the HSB fire alarm and I went over to have a look - it turned out to be some hellish contraption in the form of a megaphone that could be heard from the rec center! I wanted to use it to beat the person holding it, but I got mobbed by a foaming protester who needed to give me a sticker and I couldn't get there. Pity really...

Anyway, I got over to Engineering for my history lecture (!) and as I got there some bright spark, evidently thinking the protesters were onto a good thing with their siren, set off the Engineering fire alarm. I got to the door only to be met with a wall of humanity going in the opposite direction! So the rest of the university was treated to a stereo performance of weird-sounding sirens from the other side of the road... fortunately the Engineering fire alarm was more modest in its ideals than the lost soul over at HSB - and deigned to restrict its techno-wannabe whine to the science building immediately opposite it.

Went to a "compulsory" lecture on the points restructuring thing that's happening next year. Turns out that all we need to know is that it's all taken care of and we don't need to do anything.
They said it was compulsory for all Part 1 Engineering students to attend. The Part 1 Engineering students soon showed them what was compulsory and what wasn't - at the lecture I went to (the third of three) there were about 19 other people there. There should have been 200!

Anyway, that's the Current Events sorted out.

Until next time...



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