Blog Eight

Food or Blog Eight? I'll Have Blog Eight

Location: Auckland, New Zealand

Friday, August 26, 2005

End of an Epic Fortnight of Work

It's me again, yes I'm back again! Loooooooonnnnnng time no post but I'm still here! Are you? Well YOU are - you're reading it right now.

Why have I not been posting? Well I haven't been doing much at all that doesn't involve something worth between 5 and 30% of some course mark somewhere. I had an essay due in last friday worth 20%, followed by a 10% test on monday, a 15% project and a 30% project due on wednesday, and a 5% OASIS assignment today. I have been INSANELY busy! But it's all over now. Tomorrow (or Sunday) I start the next round of stuff due in the first couple of weeks next semester :( I have 1 test, an essay, and another 30% project due. It took 4 weeks to do the last one...

Anyway enough of uni. There was a whole lot of stuff I was going to say, but now that I'm here I've forgotten it! I know how you feel Raymond.



When did I last post? A while ago. A week? Two? I dunno. David Lange - thats right. Had his leg amputated without anasthetic!

I feel like writing my own 95 theses against the Catholic church. We've been studying it a bit in History, and seriously- if it wasn't such an established religion it'd be on Cultwatch! If you, anonymous reader are a Catholic (I'm pretty sure none of the fairly-regulars are), perhaps you should start digging beneath the covers of what you are being taught and start finding out some of the truth for yourself. I think you'd be horrified.

Random place to put a random rant isn't it? But hey - I'm exercising my right to put whatever I want on my blog :D

Thanks for lending me that Phantom of the Opera book Helen :D :D I'll give it back soon! For those who don't know - it's a book of piano and voice "selections" from Phanton of the Opera. It's also got chords for guitars to strum along too. It's so much fun to play! When you look at it from a theory perspective it's impressive how simple the music actually is. Andrew Loyd Webber's pretty formulaic in his composition, but the music he creates is amazing! And not just in this either - I have one of his pieces from Cats and it's just as simply, yet well, constructed.

No-one online. Everyone's out :(. I couldn't be bothered going out tonight - I am so tired that I feel physically exhausted. I think I might do the unheard of and be in bed before midnight tonight.

Anyway now I depart until the next post.



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