Blog Eight

Food or Blog Eight? I'll Have Blog Eight

Location: Auckland, New Zealand

Saturday, August 13, 2005

Friends Leaving

The name "Coruscant" of the capital planet of the Star-Wars galaxy is the adjective of the word "coruscate" which is a literary verb meaning "to sparkle". It is derived from the latin word coruscare meaning "glitter".

Just thought you'd like to know.

Two girls were run over outside Macleans yesterday after school. One car hit another, shunting it foward into two girls, at least one of whom goes to Macleans. One of the girls went to Middlemore, the other one went to A&E. The cops were there for hours doing a crime scene investigation, which isn't a good sign. I hope those girls are alright. Apparently there was a lot of blood...

Imagine how you would feel to be walking home with your friends and suddenly a car appears out of nowhere and knocks two of them down! And they were bleeding and unconscious. I don't know what I'd do in that situation, panic probably. It must be a terrible thing to go through.

Mike T's leaving :( Last night was his farewell party. He's going on a kind of OE for 5 months to Thailand, Greece, South Africa. We'll miss you Mike! Despite that, it was a truly great party - one of those rosy memories you have for a long time to come. It's sad to see a friend leave like that. Hope you have a great time. And bring back lots of photos!

I'm still really sleepy from the lack of sleep that his party involved. It would have been ok if I didn't have work. Working on little sleep was certainly interesting...

So I'll say goodnight.


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