Blog Eight

Food or Blog Eight? I'll Have Blog Eight

Location: Auckland, New Zealand

Saturday, August 06, 2005



Yeah, like my much-thought-up title suggests - I've had something resembling a mild form of bronchitis this last week. Fortunately it wasn't too bad. I managed to fight it off with a concoction of potions and pills and now I have a cold instead :(

As I sit here I'm trying to remember what I've done this week, and nothing is coming to mind. That's kinda worrying. I've quite possibly just spent a week doing absolutly nothing worth remembering. Ugh!

Ok, I'll try working through it backwards. What have I just done? I've just gone and looked at everyone's blogs. Nice blogs ppl. Deafening silence from Raymond. Henry's tagboard is well oiled by constant use. Helen's blog has a very funny link on it, and Dennis's ... well ... it was reading Dennis's that inspired me to post another entry. Those are the only 4 I regularly read...

What was I doing before that? I was eating. Eating toast. I was very hungry. Now I'm not. Makes sense really.

Before that? I was out. Playing pool with Janks and Julia and Simon and Mike. Good games we played. I don't mind saying that I pulled off some pretty cool shots :) and no they were not all flukes :P

And between us we managed to keep the amount of hip-hop played in the pool-hall to about half. We managed to buy enough real music to keep the gangsta's groaning for quite extended periods of time! There was one stage - I'd got a song playing, and I was finding some more to add, and a girl came past saw me and said "thank goodness! i was getting sick of that stuff!" I was just like "nuh. that was me, and now i'm adding to it!" [evil laughter]. Only I didn't say it. I just thought it and smiled. Like this:


I got a spam email tonight advertising babe wallpaper for my cell!! I was like - What the??!! That's a very presumptuous spam. Obviously not targeting a wide audience - just whatever male inmate happens to have a computer in their cell... although given todays legal system, it's probably quite a few...

Before that I came home from uni. I'd been studying in the Law library [that's right - I do Engineering] with Chris. Actually got something done :) Came from Queen St, and before that, my history tutorial [that's right - I do Engineering]. My history tutor is very solemn and precise. She measures every word before she says it. She's really ordered and refined. I love listening to her!

That's all of my week that I can be bothered writing here. It happened, it's in the past, and there's a really cool song on right now. Tomorrow is another day and soon it will be history. Should enjoy it while it lasts.

I'm really sleepy, so I think this is turning out to be quite a random post, but I like it when people like me what sort of music I'm into ...
I'm into:
- Alternative rock (not so much into mainstream) - both mellow and hard
- 80's music (from rock to electronica)
- Dance and house music
- Punk rock (occasionally)
- Disco (most the time)
- some Pop Rock
- some Hip-Hop (only quality hip-hop)
- some R&B
- some Reggae
- a lot of 60's and 70's music (I don't distinguish between genres that far back)

What I'm not into:
- Blues, Rap (much), Jazz (much), Country & Western (ugh!)




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