Blog Eight

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Location: Auckland, New Zealand

Monday, October 17, 2005

The Great Divide

"...but there is nothing that one person's great argument can do for another person. You can say it's a great argument but so what? You've proven you're a very capable essay-writer or researcher or logicist or whatever, or that your theory is really good, but what, is that just going to change someone else's way of life? I'm sure that's not the point, but if that's not the point, then what is? A person doesn't just change their lifestyle and their values because your philosophy is pretty good."

Thankyou Dennis! I wholeheartedly agree, and I this is why I am NOT going to go into a whole debate over Creation vs Evolution. It will achieve absolutly nothing and will be a total waste of time. Believe it or not I don't particularly care if you are a firm believer in evolution. If you have a valid reason that's fine with me. What I care about is people who rubbish creationism from behind the narrowminded blinkers distributed free by the ivory-towered academics that are so rampant today. What I care about is armchair critics who take the scraps the scientific community throws to them and think that they have a valid reason for their beliefs.

I became a Christian five years ago, back in 3rd form (sure I had been to church a few times in my childhood and had grown up with a kid's Bible but that does not a Christian make), and even then I still believed in evolution. Despite anything the Bible may say I believed (like many others) what I was told by people who claimed to know what they were talking about. But of course you can't be a serious Christian without taking the Bible seriously and this whole creation/evolution thing began to bother me. So I started doing some reading on the subject. This became more and more serious and I have now spent five years solidly researching the subject of our origins from every angle - historical, biological, geological, philoshophical, mythical, cosmological, theological, metaphysical, chemical, and so on. And I am still researching. I read material by creationists and material by evolutionists and even material by people who couldn't care either way. It is on the basis of the results of my research (admittedly helped by my belief in the Creator :P) that I take my stand for creation as opposed to evolution.

However if you are a firm believer in evolution that really doesn't bother me (well, not much), AS LONG AS YOU HAVE DONE AS MUCH RESEARCH AS, OR MORE RESEARCH THAN, ME! If you haven't then shut up and stop spouting such rubbish as "overwhelming evidence" and "proven beyond doubt" and "everyone else is believing it" because this debate is way above your head!

The theory of evolution is still officially just a theory. This is because the evidence is, in fact, NOT overwhelming!

Also, neither creationism nor evolution are, strictly speaking, "scientific". The definition of science is something like "study of the physical world through hypothesising, experimenting, observing and recording. Neither creation nor evolution (macro not micro) can be studied through experimenting, observing, or recording. Therefore neither of them is science, strictly speaking.

Please also note - mircoevolution is radically different to macroevolution. Microevolution is observable in the world around us today, but is inherently different to macroevolution. The only reason they share similar names is because of some confusion in the nineteenth century.

Go and do your research.


Blogger Henry said...

Damn straight, don't believe everything you read.

3:01 am  

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