Blog Eight

Food or Blog Eight? I'll Have Blog Eight

Location: Auckland, New Zealand

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Work At The Movies!

Still trying to bring my tagboard up from the bottom of the page...

So anyway, the manager left work. She's back again! She went to work at Jacqui E and found it INCREDIBLY boring! There were no customers and nothing to do execpt stand behind the counter for hours on end waiting incase someone might actually come in. Halfway through the second day she goes to see the manager about it and the manager says "Yeah I've been here a month. Just go." So go she went and back with us she is :) There's a lesson in that. Retail sucks. You're better off at the movies.

Seriously, if a retail shop offered me a job at even double my current wages, I'd still turn it down. I don't have the inner thought life required to stand behind a counter smiling at the wall all day. Working at the cinemas (or more precisely in the Circle Lounge) there is so much to do, coz even when you're not doing your primary duties (serving customers, cleaning cinemas, and making and delivering drinks and food) there's still a lot of maintenance and preparation to be done.

And the people there are great people. Even the mundane jobs (like window cleaning or doing the dishes) you can gaurantee [guarantee?] will be fun when you're doing it with fun people.

Sure the pay is minimal but I still love the job.

Dunno why I wrote that. I think having the manager return made me think about just how much I like working there. So yeah, that's my random rant. What else? Projects. Project due in 2nd week. Test to study for. Tutorial questions to catch up on. I'm badly procrastinating :(

Happy 18th Henry :D. Welcome to the fold!

Does anyone out there have/have access to "Supernova" by The Feelers? PLEASE hook me up! I can't find it anywhere and I love it to bits :(. *Fondly cradles the 30 second sample he does have*

It's late. I'm tired. I should go to bed. I should get my body clock back to universityly acceptable hours. I'll go to bed later...

But from here, that's all. Over and out~


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