Blog Eight

Food or Blog Eight? I'll Have Blog Eight

Location: Auckland, New Zealand

Wednesday, September 14, 2005



Real go-carting that is, not the ones they have at Rainbows End.

Yes I went go-carting monday night as part of our work staff party. We went to the go-cart place in East Tamaki that sometimes get advertised before movies at Village (that hole). We were in 6 teams and it was a race between each team to complete 150 laps. We raced in sets of 15 laps each, with everyone getting 2 or 3 sets. My team won :) and now I have a voucher for 15 minutes racing for free! It is such an adrenaline rush, during my first 15 laps I was so tense that I put my elbow slightly out and I couldn't bend it properly without it hurting! The next day we had a staff meeting and we where all complaining of sore backs and chests. It sure leaves you banged up!

Battle scars. That's what they are.

And tonight I had my hair cut and my collar is full of bits of hair and they are itching the back of my neck. Don't you hate that? When bits of cut hair get caught in your collar and ITCH?

What else? Oh yes! For those who are interested (and those who aren't) the first four international headliners for Parachute have been announced:

- Anberlin
- Day of Fire
- Delirious
- The Valley

Delirious are Coming Back To Parachute!!! For those of you who don't know them they are one of the biggest bands in Christian music. They came to Parachute 2002 and if you can imagine a crater with a flat base approximately the size of the main fields at Macleans, imagine it full of people and every single one of those people is moshing. Then imagine that there are so many people moshing that people have to mosh on the sides of the crater because there's no room on the flat which is about the size of those fields. That's Delirious for you. And they are coming back!!!

Anberlin is a good solid rock band. Day of Fire is metal, mostly heavy metal. I've never heard of The Valley.

Hopefully more anouncements soon...

I was watching this Monday's Facelift just before. If you don't watch Facelift you should. Hilarious political satire show! This week my favourite sketch was the stuck in the lift one. Great interaction between the characters. They played off each other perfectly - Helen Clark, Don Brash, Winston Peters, Jeneatte Fitzsimons and a lift technician stuck in a lift together - so many comedy opportunites right there!

I was going to do a review of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory but I can't be bothered now. The essence of it is that I gave it a 9.5 out of 10. I loved it! But I'll leave that for next time. Or sometime. Or never. Maybe by word of mouth.

I was reading a medical reference book before trying to find out about Hepatitis. It turns out there are 7 types of hepatitis - hepatitis A, B, C, D, E, F and G! They tend to get more serious as you go along. Hepatitis A clears in a few days to weeks whereas with one of either D, E or F (I can't remember which) 70 - 80% of people who catch it will develop long term liver damage. Fortuanately it's hard to catch if you're hygienic. Yet the doctors say there is a lot of it going round right now. So Be Careful! Essentially if you wash your hands well after doing what you do with toilet paper and you don't share needles or toothbrushes you should be fine.

But anyway, I was reading through this same book and I came across an article that said that it is considered "normal for adolescents to feel homosexual desires" and that most will then grow out of them as they become adults! What the?! Normal for adolescents to desire to be gay? Well out of the people I know (maybe not all), either there's something we've all been not telling each other, or we're not "normal". That article struck me as a bit weird.

Heh. Destiny New Zealand. Wouldn't it be funny if Brian Tamaki got a seat in parliament. Wouldn't it be funnier if both he and Winston Peters got into parliament. Parliamentry debates would never be the same again :D

Anyway that's on paper a whole load of thoughts that have been in and out of my head recently. Though by NO means all. No no no. Or... hmmm... *sigh*

Anyway, with that unpublished final thought I shall leave you. Farewell. Until next time.



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