Blog Eight

Food or Blog Eight? I'll Have Blog Eight

Location: Auckland, New Zealand

Sunday, October 02, 2005

Big New Post

It happened again - you have a whole lot of stuff that's built up over the week that you've been meaning to write about when you get the chance, then it disappears when you finally do get it.

Well..... the reason I haven't been posting is I have been very very very busy (as people who have tried talking to me online will know). My list of things to do as it stands at the moment:

- Design project (30%) due 21/9 - completed
- Electrical test on 26/9 - completed
- History essay due 30/9 - completed
- Chemmat test on 3/10 - studying
- Design project (30%) due 12/10 - in progress
- History test on 15/10 - yet to start studying
- Electrical test on 18/10 - yet to start studying
- Engsci project (20%) due 19/10 - yet to start
- CHEMMAT EXAM - 27/10
- ENGSCI EXAM - 1/11

So don't expect many posts in the near future!

It wouldn't have been so bad this week if I had actually done something over the weekend last weekend. I fully meant to, but I bummed around saturday afternoon, went to a flatwarming party of a couple of friends from work on Saturday night and ended up staying till 3pm Sunday afternoon when I had to leave to go to work. Got home from work in time to go to bed. So I had to study on Monday for my test on Monday :( as well as research for my essay :(

Won't do that again :(

Great fun though! Had a ball. Actually didn't. Had a party. And then some. And then work. Yeah.

There is something I have noticed that seems true for almost every BA student I have ever come across. They are very timid. Or maybe not timid, maybe meek is a better word. Like everytime I turn up to history I always have to walk through a crowd of my fellow history students who are waiting outside the lecture room door. Why are they waiting? Beats me. I established about 3 weeks into the semester that there is no class before ours in that theatre, so I always walk straight in. Then everyone else follows along behind. Why do they all wait outside an empty lecture theatre? Are they waiting for someone to be the first person through the door? They just do what everyone else is doing? I think BA students are just generally nervous around doors - the same thing happens at my history tutorial - I get there and there's several of my fellow tutorialees standing outside the unlocked but closed door to the tutorial room! The idea of going in doesn't occur until I get there. Instead they wait for the tutor to "let them in" (by which I mean 'be the first through the door'). It also happens leaving a lecture. The first student out opens a door to let herself out. She doesn't need to open the second to let herself through (unless she is incredibly large), so she just goes through one (ususally the left). Everyone else then meekly follows her out through the door she opened and a human log-jam ensues. Noone thinks to open the second door, and when I do, I have actually seen some people's eyes widen!

Engineers on the other hand, are too agressive. If a class of engineers wants to get into a lecture theatre, woe betide those who stand in their way. All it takes is the hint of the sound of books closing inside, and the engineers charge through the doors. Nevermind anyone trying to get out, the engineers are trying to get in!


Go see Wallace & Gromit.

Circle Lounge manager at work's leaving :(

The fire alarm went off at Berkeley last Tuesday. I turned up to grab a roster and see a manager about something, and I got there the same time as the firetruck! This is the first time it has ever gone off and because half the staff are not originals they weren't there at the one and only fire training we had before we opened. So with that and the fact that the manager "ran around in circles like a little girl" (eyewitness account) it was mayhem :). I wish I'd been working! Turned out one of the popcorn machines had broken and the popcorn had burnt badly, and when they went to tip the popcorn out the smoke went up into the vent and throught the vent to Circle Lounge. It set the alarm off up there, then drifted into Cinema 7 and set the alarm off there. See, each cinema is it's own self-contained firecell with its own firealarm. One of the cinemas could be a blazing inferno and the cinemas next door wouldn't know anything about it for at least 30 minutes. Then the wall would start getting very hot and would eventually cave in. THEN they'd know about it!

So yeah I envy the guys who were working that night :(

Anyway that's all. I bet that reading kept you going for a while :)

Take care



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