Blog Eight

Food or Blog Eight? I'll Have Blog Eight

Location: Auckland, New Zealand

Monday, November 14, 2005

The Hunt For Sonny's Blog

So this is the rest of the post I didn't have time to write up last time (and some).

Transporter 2: I gave it 6.3 (or whatever it was) because it was good but not great. It's very unrealistic (the hero is apparently invulnerable) but it's a good solid action movie. I really like the villainess (the woman on the poster with the very black eyeshadow) and the story's fairly interesting. Of course, seeing it right after Serenity made it look like a masterpiece! :P

So anyway, big get together on Saturday night (as most of you will know - most of you were there). A not-so-big-welcome-back-Jen get together at Julia's on Sunday night. It was really good seeing everyone again. I got a bit sparse last semester. Uni during the day, assignments and work at night.

So anyway, Sonny has a secret blog somewhere out there in cyberspace. It's a private blog that he doesn't want known. So naturally we all want to know it. Some possible pseudonyms he may be using are Seraph and ButterPillow. I searced for Seraph on blogspot and couldn't find anything. After much googling I found but that (while it is Sonny's site) doesn't provide any clues that I could see. Still, it's out there somewhere.

Sonny we are coming Sonny we are coming after you!

This is my timetable for the next week:

tuesday - free
wednesday - working night
thursday - working night
friday - party
saturday - working night
sunday - working night
monday - working night
tuesday - free
wednesday - working night

Uni gave me my social life back, and work took it away. Still, I will get it back. I am making many plans with many people and these are going to be one of the best summer holidays ever!

They're also going to be my last ever.

This is because next summer and the summer after that I will be doing full time work experience for engineering. Yay. *waves flag* If I stay at uni after that then I'll get summer holidays after my fourth year, but if I don't, then this is IT.

So I want to make the most of it. After all, at 4 months, they're also the longest summer holidays I have ever had!

Beach holidays, basketball games, ridiculously hyperactive parties, school pools, road trips, island hires, christmas, parachute...

BrInG iT oN!

Summer is going to be great :D


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