Blog Eight

Food or Blog Eight? I'll Have Blog Eight

Location: Auckland, New Zealand

Monday, November 21, 2005

School Gala

The posts are coming thick and fast at the moment. It's probably because I have nothing much to do at the moment. I'm working most nights and most my days are spent bumming round until I have to go to work.

Although that doesn't make sense, coz most my posts are late at night...

Anyway, Shelly Park had a school gala today. I slept through most of it (ie. all morning) and didn't get up there until after 1pm. I didn't miss much. By the time I got there it was dying very fast - hardly anyone was there and a lot of stalls had closed. Stuff was going at 25% of its original price and the crowds had pretty much disappeared. It was funny though - sure I got there near the end - but it was really boring! Galas are never boring! And yet this one was. I was planning on staying awhile and immersing myself - I really like the atmosphere at a school gala - but it was just boring! It completely lacked atmosphere. So did a couple of circuits and left after about 15 minutes.

I was planning on taking a whole lot of photos and writing about it properly, but there was nothing worth capturing on film. I should have got up earlier. :(

There was one thing. There was this INFURIATINGLY ANNOYING specialised firetruck-thing taking people for rides round the block, and it had a siren that it sounded at LEAST several times a minute! Like - every 20 - 30 seconds this fire siren would blare out! It was SO annoying! It lasted from mid-morning until well into the afternoon - this constant stream of siren noises all through the day and REALLY loud! I only took one photo and that was of this firetruck.

If I had a grenade, this firetruck would no longer exist.

Anyway. That's all about that. I'm not working tomorrow! Yay! I gave my shift away. It's getting boring. A lot of the people that made work fun have left or are about to leave. It's sad. It means I may leave soon. Once I get a better job. Don't work at Berkeley. The pay is ridiculous and most of the cool people are leaving or have left. I'm working wednesday though - 10 and a half hours! From 3pm till 1:30am. Either someone really likes me or really hates me. Still - it means I'm working the midnight premier of Harry Potter. Midnight premiers are fun!




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