Blog Eight

Food or Blog Eight? I'll Have Blog Eight

Location: Auckland, New Zealand

Monday, December 26, 2005

Merry Boxing Day!

Many years ago (1998), a game came out called Abe's Exoddus (yes it's spelt with 2 d's). It was a follow-up to a very popular original called Abe's Oddessey (not sure if that's spelled right but don't care). My cousins and I discovered Oddessey in 1995 (when it was released) on a demo disk they got for their new playstation. We promplty fell in love with it.

When Exoddus came out we bought it for their playstation and spent many, many hours trying to clock it. I have always loved it as a game (I'll say why soon), and recently I have been wanting to play it again. So I went to EB Games and was informed it hasn't been for sale for about 2 years. That was disappointing to say the least. That was on Friday, and ever since then I have been playing it as often as I can. I won't say how I acquired this version, but I got it that afternoon. The reason I've barely been online and haven't posted is that I have been playing it whenever I can!

The addictive thing about Abe's Exoddus is that it is a problem solving game. Basically the story is that you are a Mudokon [alien race] called Abe. Another race on your planet, the Glukkons, have enslaved almost all your people and are secretly using them as ingredients in a potion called Soulstorm Brew that is highly addictive but almost kills the person who drinks it. You (Abe) discover this, and have to go about freeing your fellow Mudokons. There are 9 massive levels and thousands of individual puzzles to get through in order to be able to free the Mudokons. You learn to think faster and react faster as it steadily gets harder and harder. The game is EXTREMELY intelligently designed, the graphics are beautiful (for 1998), and it's also very funny. I would give it 9.5 out of 10, the missing 0.5 because the slow controls can be a "little" frustrating when you have to repeat the same puzzle 13 times because you keep being killed. However the slow controls are deliberate, and the game is designed around them.

If I don't post for a week or so, and you don't see me online (or out and about) this is the reason why. Also work is another reason why. I'm working heaps.

Once again, I've forgotten the other stuff I was going to write about. Was gonna write on Christmas but it's late and I can't be stuffed. I'll leave you with some insults (that will be appearing in my msn names at various times in the near future) that you can use on people. Have a nice day.

"You'll never be the man your mother was"

"You're looking good today! Must have taken you ages!"

"He's a hard man to forget, but he's well worth the effort"

"There's no beginning to your talents"

"I love my cat. My cat doesn't care."


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