Blog Eight

Food or Blog Eight? I'll Have Blog Eight

Location: Auckland, New Zealand

Friday, December 16, 2005

Work of Various Sorts

Finally I am able to blog! I lost my internet (broadband) connection on monday, and only got it back yesterday when I rang up xtra. Turned out somehow my modem had essentially forgotten it was connected to xtra and had reverted to its default ip address or something. When they tried to find it on their netowrk, they coudn't see it, and when they tried to ping it they got no response. All that I had to do was reboot it and it remembered that it was connected to xtra and now the internet works perfectly :D

Haven't properly seen Narnia yet. I saw most of it at the premier (because I was "working") but I want to fill in all the bits that I've missed and watch it as a cohesive whole. It is really good. If you aren't planning on seeing it, I recommend changing your plans. It's almost totally true to the book plotwise, although almost none of the dialogue is the same. I probably won't see King Kong until around christmas (next week at least). Let me know if you want to see either of them with me. I can't guarantee getting you in for cheap/free because we don't yet get comps to either of them. I can't wait to see King Kong!

I almost walked off the job last night at work. I had worked 8 days in a row (can't wait to see my paycheck!) and most of them had been in the kitchen (provides food to the circle lounge). Since the two managers are an idiot and a dick respectively, they had understaffed us for one of the busiest weeks of the year, and have just recently hired a whole lot of newbies for circle lounge. 3 of the 4 newbies still have no real idea what they're doing, and this has resulted in a lot of stuff-ups with the food, that has seen me working, without breaks, often an hour later than i'm meant to finish, on my own, trying to fix everything on top of doing what I'm meant to be doing. Also, because of the understaffedness I have had too many orders to make to actually be able to fix any of this stuff properly and as a result a lot of the orders have been up to an hour and a half late! The insane expectations on top of the terrible pay just about made me walk out.

So the reason I wanted to know about how much you do housework I because my mum has the idea that because I'm on holiday I have heaps of time on my hands and I should be spending it all doing housework. I don't do "much" - lawns, tidying my room, the occasional vacuum, emptying the dishwasher, a bit of washing, and so on, and she is fed up with it. She said she wanted to stick up lists around the place specifying what was to be done in each room. Apparently I should be doing daily dusting, polishing, vacuuming, washing, ironing, mopping until the house is totally spotless. And I mean totally. Apparently this is normal. That's why I wanted to find out what actually IS normal. So next question - do your parents think you do enough?

I think Just Juice Orange juice is the most refreshing drink I know of. It's "orange with apple base". The tangy, juicy citrusiness of the orange is refreshing enough, but when mixed with a hint of cool, sweet apple, the refreshment factor skyrockets! Definitely a drink I definitely recommend for those who need refreshing!

Played basketball today with Simon, Janko, Dennis, Julia. My second game of the season. I feel so much better for the exercise! I like that slightly tired feeling in my legs and lungs after a good workout. Makes me feel all rejuvenated. It's funny to think how I hated basketball so much back in fourth form when we had to do it for P.E. and now I really like it...

Anyway, that's all for today folks...


Happy birthday Katie!


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