Blog Eight

Food or Blog Eight? I'll Have Blog Eight

Location: Auckland, New Zealand

Friday, December 02, 2005


This post is a bit of a filler. I haven't posted for a few days and I don't really have anything to talk about. Although I did have stuff I wanted to talk about several days ago, I just didn't have time to post it. Now I've either forgotten about it or I don't want to talk about it anymore.

Anyway, I'm going to a ball on Saturday night. Yay! I'm going with friends from work. It should be fun. Unfortunately if we have an afterball I'm probably not going to be able to go, because I have work at 8:30 the next morning :(

I got myself a suit today. It was $7.50! I thought it was really vintage - like, 1930's or 40's style. I was going to get a bowler hat and cane and pocket watch to go with it, but unfortunately mum tells me it's actually probably from the 70's or early 80's. Also the bowler hat is too small. So I don't know if I want to wear it. At $7.50 I can afford to not know if I want to wear it, but it leaves me only a day or so to find a substitute... i dunno. I also want to find myself a pair of aviator glasses, as this is going to be our "theme". Dad has some somewhere but he has no idea where. So much to do...

...if the suit is 70's then it should go well with aviator glasses... it would also probably go well with an old waistcoat of dad's that I found. Hmmmmm.... dilemma........

Dunno. Will see tomorrow. Also... hmmm.... do I need the pants altered? Ugh. They are quite big. Only just though. Hmmm. Opshops don't come with changing rooms. But then for $7.50 for AN ENTIRE SUIT they don't need to...

Where can I get aviator glasses?

Where's Savemart? I hear that's quite good. I think it's somewhere in Onehunga. *Googles for savemart* . . . . . . . . . NEW LYNN?? I'm not going out there! Or Manurewa...

*Googles for seventies suit*...... wow! This suit is seventies! Hmm.

This requires thought tommorrow (ie. Friday). Not now. Now is time for other things.

Like: How we went to Julia's tuesday night and watched The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou (try saying that really fast 10 times). I really enjoyed it. It was a bit wacky and out there, but I found it easy to follow. I was surprised some of the others found it a bit hard to understand in places. If you enjoyed that movie (and even if you only found it mildly entertaining) then I highly recommend Napoleon Dynamite. It is similar in style (a study of the lives of the main characters) while being very funny and slightly wacky. It makes for years of great one-liner quotes that you have to have seen on the screen to appreciate. It explores the characters of several nerds and their everyday lives and shows us that these people are just as human and capable as the next person. It's also hilariously funny!

Go and watch it. Even if you don't enjoy it much, you will be better off for having seen it.

That should fully be an advertising line for a product or a movie! "Even if it does absolutely nothing for you, you will be better off for seeing it, so get your tickets today!"

Yup. That's all.



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