Blog Eight

Food or Blog Eight? I'll Have Blog Eight

Location: Auckland, New Zealand

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Sky Tower

Went up the Skytower on thursday. It was my sister's birthday and she wanted to go up so my family all bundled into the car and went. It was the second time I've ever been up - I last went up in 1998. Man the view is incredible!! And they've added glass floors to the lifts now so you can see the ground falling away from you / rising to hit you. You learn interesting stuff too - like that Mt Eden is directly south of the Skytower and that the Skytower can withstand winds up to 200kph - only 20 kph more than the strongest windgust recorded up there.

There are also the glass floors. You have to make a conscious effort not to grip the handrail as you walk across them. There is nothing like standing on glass about 200m up in the air! They say it is as strong as the rest of the floor - but you can't help but wonder "what if". You'll never catch me jumping on one either! But yeah, you really appreciate just how fortunate you are to have a floor beneath your feet when you step off the glass and think of what might have been.

Other than that all I've done is work. Thursday night, Friday night, tonight. Tomorrow night. Monday. Then Simon's shoot after work. Only problem is I might be late to that as I finish at 7:45 and want to have dinner. Then the problem is how I'm going to get there, but I'll worry about that later. It should be fun!

I had so much more to say, but now that I'm actually posting its all gone straight out of my head...

Oh yeah! Narnia! Saw most of that at the premier (I was working). It was showing in two cinemas and the public were only in one, so us staff went and sat in the other :P It's good! I really enjoyed it. There were a couple of bits that I thought should have been fleshed out more, and it didn't stick exactly to the book but it was still enjoyable to watch. I want to go back and watch it properly.

Anyway I should be getting to bed. I've got stuff to do tomorrow and there's a good chance I'll be asked to come early to work. Again.

Oh yeah - that's right - before I go - I want to ask a question: How much housework/chores do you normally do? Like dusting, vacuuming, ironing, lawn-mowing, sweeping, mopping, dish-washing, etc. Do you think you do too much/little? Are you forced to do it or made to? I'll tell you later why I ask. Post your reply either on the tagboard or as a comment. I'd like to hear it.


I'm hungry now. I feel like breakfast. (If it's any consolation you don't look like breakfast.)



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