Blog Eight

Food or Blog Eight? I'll Have Blog Eight

Location: Auckland, New Zealand

Sunday, December 04, 2005

The Ball

Welcome! If you haven't visited my blog for a few days, I am going through one of my 'blog several times within a couple of days' period. So if you want the full picture start several posts down. Otherwise, commence reading as you normally would.

So anyway, I had the ball tonight. Ended up wearing a jacket of my dad's with my work pants (they are dress-pants-like enough to pass) and a really cool dress shirt of my dad's. We all agreeed that we weren't going to wear ties and we were going to wear aviator sunglasses. So we did. Man we looked cool! :P

Technically "of my dad's" should be "of my dad", as that is grammatically correct. "Of my dad's" has two possesives where only one is required. But "of my dad" just sounds weird. "Od my dad" sounds weirder...

The ball was good. It wasn't great, but it was good. There weren't enough people there for it to be great. There were probably only 30 - 40 people there, 9 of whom were Berkeleyites. My legs are sore now from the dancing. I also personally think they needed to play more dance music and less rock than they did. You can't dance to rock.

But yeah, there needed to be more people.

It was also an opportunity to say goodbye to a friend who's leaving for Germany. She goes tomorrow morning and she invited us all to this ball as a kind of goodbye thing. So yeah, in that respect it was good fun. We'll miss her.

And I don't have work tomorrow morning now :D If I did, I woudn't be here writing this now, but the downside is I can't go out anywhere tomorrow night. At least, not till 11pm.

Anyway, that's all. I really like wearing suits. I want to get one of my own. One that is slightly different. ie, not just the token black with white shirt, tie and waistcoat. Black is cool, but it's a bit over-done I reckon.



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