Blog Eight

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Location: Auckland, New Zealand

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Geek Post

The top 10 websites visited through Google in 2005:
1. Myspace
2. Ares
3. Baidu
4. Wikipedia
5. Orkut
6. iTunes
7. Sky News
8. World of Warcraft
9. Green Day
10. Leonardo da Vinci

If you don't visit these sites fairly regularly then you aren't up with the play. If you don't even know what these sites are, then you really need to do some net searching.

Windows users were unprotected against viruses for a total of 56 days last year. This total was found by adding up all the times it took them to produce defences against new viruses.

The 3.5G mobiles are being expected to be released later this year! Probably not in NZ though. Theses phones will allow you to talk and access the internet at the same time! They will do this by offering a much faster transmission speed (up to 20Mbits per second) and a 5MHz bandwidth)

There are currently about 226 mobile phone viruses in the world. That number is expected to triple this year.

When you're really really bored, here is the perfect site:

Ebjoy it.


I like taking personality questionaires. I'm always interested to see how they can find out about you and tell you what kind of person you are, just by asking a few questions. Sometimes they can be hilariously wrong, but this one I just took, was amazing! It was scarily accurate. The aim of it was to find your leading/thinking/creative/teaming style, and to see if you are more Meditative, Intuitive, Negotiative, or Directive (M.I.N.D). I'll give you the website at the end, but here it is. The bits in green are the bits I agree with, the bits in yellow are the bits I'm not sure about, and the bits in red I don't agree with. Here's the result after just 9 questions:

Your basic approach to thinking involves hunches and group unity. When you are learning something new you prefer to work jointly and be fond the new material. When trying to solve problems you generally choose to work on teams and snoop out solutions. When you communicate you generally use personal experiences and are friendly.

You are known as an amiable or chummy person. You want all people to get along with each other at home, work or play. You are both sympathetic and empathetic and willing to listen to anyone's personal problems. You exhibit your emotions honestly and openly. Working in teams is important and fun to you. You find it easy to speak with strangers when you meet them. The feelings of other people are generally important to you. You are very good at sensing the meanings behind situations or actions. You prefer to become involved in learning, but mostly with your peers not the leader, trainer, teacher, unless you see him or her as one of you. You enjoy experiential learning.

You have a unique mix of strengths as a rational, logical thinker and a generally personable and friendly person. You generally can prove what you say and prefer that others do the same. At the same time you consider how your thoughts and actions will affect other people. You will probably be chosen as a leader in most groups you join or work with because of your strengths as an investigator and examiner and your friendly group oriented nature. It probably annoys you to find people with your same interests that are insensitive to other people's feelings or needs. You prefer to work on single projects one at a time rather than several simultaneously. People who must follow rules exactly probably annoy you. You prefer people who can bend with the situation.

You appear to lack of a preference for or possibly dislike intuitive thinking. This also can indicate that you don't like to take risks. To you hunches, gut feelings, instant insights or inspirations are not valid ways of finding solutions to problems. You probably are somewhat conservative and prefer tradition over the 'brand new' or the 'newest fads'. Brainstorming sessions are probably annoying to you or you put little stock in them.

The following nouns and/or adjectives tend to describe PROBABLE STRENGTHS of yours:

personably verbal

team member




random worker

The following nouns and/or adjectives tend to describe POSSIBLE WEAKNESSES of yours:

too friendly

overly loyal

compromise to readily

get too involved in others lives

no facts to justify decisions

too flexible with rules

As you can see, I think it's very accurate. The questionnaire is at

Do it and see what you think.


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