Blog Eight

Food or Blog Eight? I'll Have Blog Eight

Location: Auckland, New Zealand

Monday, February 06, 2006

Nothing Much

"Chinese farmers have been misusing an antiviral drug designed for humans by feeding it to poultry. Health officials believe the farmer's actions may have produced a drug-resistant strain of bird flu. The drug, amantadine, is fairly inexpensive and widely available. However because of the misuse it is no longer effective in combating the virus. Experts say the blunder could have serious repercussions in the event of a global pandemic.

"According to the June 18, 2005 issue of the Washington Post "Chinese farmers, acting with the approval and encouragement of government officials, have tried to suppress major bird flu outbreaks among chickens with an antiviral drug called amantadine meant for humans, animal health experts said. International researchers now conclude that this is why the drug will no longer protect people in case of a worldwide bird flu epidemic... Amantadine is one of two types of medication for treating human influenza. But researchers determined last year that the H5N1 bird flu strain circulating in Vietnam and Thailand, the two countries hardest hit by the virus, had become resistant, leaving only an alternative drug that is difficult to produce in large amounts and much less affordable, especially for developing countries in Southeast Asia."

Thanks, Chinese farmers.


In other news: Robert (the one who jumped off the Nun) has made it onto TV3 news, into the Eastern Courier, the NZ Herald, and will be front page in the H&P Times on tuesday. He's going ok. Not great, but ok. Hasn't needed the operation they thought he'd need. Isn't allowed to move for the next few weeks, and after that he will be given a walking frame, then crutches, then a walking stick. He won't be able to sit down for months, and won't be able to surf next summer :(

He has cool pump things attached to his feet tho. They're just air cushions wrapped around his feet, that every few minutes inflate and deflate. This slightly squeezes his feet and keeps the blood circulating in his legs and stops it clotting or pooling. He's on a morphine drip. Because he's so big and healthy they can give him more than the usual safe dose, which means he's in slightly less pain than he would otherwise be. However at one point he did OD on morphine and was sick all day. That sux.


It was real funny tho - patients are allowed 2 visitors at a time. At one point I counted 10, and they keep coming and going.


Add to yur msn contact list. Why? Just do it and find out ;)


Almost able to enrol in uni. Gotta get approval from the Mechanical Engineering course advisor before I can enrol. Already got approval from my Arts advisors.

I've changed my major to english, with a minor in French, and History (was going to be my major) now taking a back seat. That was because I found there are no history papers in stage 3 (and only a few in stage 2) that i actually like.

[I just downloaded a 13:32 minute track that is totally silent. There is nothing on it at all. Just 13:32 minutes of silence. My recycle bin is now 13:32 minutes fuller]

The only other paper (apart from the two stage 1 that I've taken) that I want to take in History is Europe: 1100 - 14:50. All the others are rubbish.

Newayz its bed time



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