Blog Eight

Food or Blog Eight? I'll Have Blog Eight

Location: Auckland, New Zealand

Sunday, February 12, 2006


Spam has moved to a whole new level of ridiculousness. Instead of sending emails advertising products that you are utterly uninterested in, they now send emails that pretend to be from a person to their friend, that have somehow been sent to you by mistake (or perhaps as well). Here's some examples from my gmail account. Because these are pretending to be legit emails, they managed to get past the junkmail filter and get into my inbox. As a result they escaped the violent death that everything in my junkmail folder undergoes once every day or two. Here they are:

1. Subject: Isn't this a great chance to get a top offerin' from the web dispensary?

Hey Ponso,I came across this site and If your tired then you'll want to




2. Subject: We might need to secure this deal from the web distributor ASAP.

How's it goign Otho,

Just a thought, If your in need of help in the bed room then come visit us




3. Subject: Purchasing effective aid can be more enjoying. Only in this express outlet.

How is your day Yokhanan,I realized today how great life is, cause we have the decision to pick and choose what we want.

Yesterday I came across this place to get my M ed's w/o all the red tape at. It's great b/c I can get them from my office or at home sitting in my PJ's.

zerica and moy and I, all went to to get our M ed's at.

Hope all is well,



4. Subject: Our health condition and needs are their largest goals.

How are u Chik,

There was something I came across last night that you would want to know more about!

A lot of people have had a past of grievances due to their medical conditions- and I think this web site might be the ticket.

I am bit worried about your health condition and I honestly think this treatments store can be some help. at

See ya later



5. Subject: Stay put- the new curative bargain coming up.

How's it goign Riccardou,

Just a thought, If your stressed then come visit

See ya later



Check out the sites if you really want to. I haven't. I think this is really funny. Spammers are constantly trying to find new ways to get past junkmail filters, but you'd still have to be pretty stupid to be taken in by these.

I thought i'd try my hand at writing my own spam email:

Subject: Our email needs are not you.

Hi Akilah,

I noticed last night this cool site to fix all your needs. it's at www.get-the-1*quadrilateral* .

I hope all your medical needs are being met.

Hope you can see,


If you want gmail, you can get it by invitation only. Ask me and i'll invite you.

Jarhead. Really enjoyed the movie. Want to get the book. (It's based on a book.) I think if I was expecting action I would have been disappointed with it, but I went in knowing it was about the characters rather than the action, and so I wasn't. The only problem was I spent the entire movie trying to figure out where I recognised Troy from. Then it hit me - he was Carson (the creepy Air Marshal) in Flightplan last year. Other than that, I thought the start was a bit slow, but it picked up, and drew me in. I can't be bothered giving it a review or anything, so I'll just say its gets a


out of 10.


But yeah, I want to get the book that it's based on. Apparently it is "destined to become a modern classic". Sounds promising.

Today is the 12th. Valentines Day in 2 days. Are you going to get a valentine?

Are YOU?

Uni is in two weeks. (12 +14 is 26)

*a bit more than two weeks.

That's all for tonight.



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