Blog Eight

Food or Blog Eight? I'll Have Blog Eight

Location: Auckland, New Zealand

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Birthday Boy

Today is my 19th birthday!! Happy birthday me!! I'm kinda scared that I'm in my last year as a teenager. Only one more year before I hit adulthood :S

Unfortunately though. I'm sick. It's my birthday and I'm sick. When I'm not on panadol,

- my face feels like it's in a vice (sinus inflammation)
- my throat is sore (infection) and swollen (inflammation)
- my nose is alternately blocked and runny
- sneezing is extremely painful

In short, I have a cold with a throat infection.


I saw Brokeback Mountain eventually, after Simon and Dennis's recommendations. I would give it a

out of 10.

It wasn't outstanding, but it was very well done for the most part, and it suceeded in getting me empathising with the characters, and it actually saddened me [here be spoilers]

when Jack died. I thought his death scene was really well done, with the way Ennis(?) was talking to Jack's wife about how he was killed by an exploding tire, then it just cuts to the silent scene of him being gangbashed for being gay.

Anyway, enough about movies. I've enrolled for both semesters at uni now. This is my first semester timetable:

It's a bit small and blurry. It got shrunk when it uploaded. Like a shirt in a dryer. What it shows though, is that I don't start until either 1 or 2pm each day! So I get plenty of time to sleep in :D

Sux to those who start at 8 :D


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