Blog Eight

Food or Blog Eight? I'll Have Blog Eight

Location: Auckland, New Zealand

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

To Taupo

I found a really cool site just before. I was looking for information on an earthquake that occured in the central north island while I was there. Unfortunately it was at 4:14am in the [Sunday] morning, and I was sound asleep, otherwise I might have felt it, although it didn't help that the entire motel shuddered everytime a large truck went past.

The details of the quake can be found here:

Hmmm Mt Ruapehu has been showing signs of "volcanic unrest". When I was in Taupo all it was showing was signs of being covered in clouds...


I went to Taupo in the weekend with my family because mum wanted to see the Ironman race (she's quite into triathlon-type events) and wanted us to go too for a sort of family holiday. So we went.

The Ironman was on saturday, and on friday night the wind got so strong that they had to cancel the swim part of Ironman, and half the length of the run and bike ride. Even then, competitors were finishing totally exhausted from fighting the wind, saying it was unlike any Ironman they'd done before. Then, saturday evening, as the last competitor finished, the wind stopped. It didn't just weaken, or slowly die away again - it stopped like it'd been turned off!

Gutted for the competitors.

Je suis voyagé au Taupo avec ma famille parce que ma mère voulait voir l'Ironman.

Spot the mistakes in that sentence.



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