Blog Eight

Food or Blog Eight? I'll Have Blog Eight

Location: Auckland, New Zealand

Sunday, March 12, 2006


Yes, this weekend I've gone through another series of posting several times in a few days. Steve's comment on his blog about only having 4 visitors prompted me to go and look at last sunday's reports on my blog traffic for the week 27/2 - 5/3. Here's some fascinating tit-bits:

On the 27th I had a staggering 61 page views! I'm pretty sure that's the most I've ever had in one day. My blog has been visited either 3,119 times, or 3,786 times depending on whether you go by visits, or page views. I think visits is when they go to another page within the blog, but I'm not sure. I go by page views because it's a bigger number.

Who uses Paradise as their ISP? (Is Paradise and ISP?) Someone does, and they visited my blog 6 times yesterday for a total of 3:36 minutes.

A good 90% of my referrals come from (thank you) although in the last couple of days some have come through from aU2 fansite, and one -- this is funny -- was from someone googling for information on one of the episodes of Home & Away that I rubished in that post where I mocked the show! I think that's funny. I hope they left realising what a stupid show it is.

I also got a referral from Go check that blog out in return. I haven't read much but it looks worth the visit.

In my 20 most recent visitors, number 8 was from Albuquerque, New Mexico, US; number 10 was from Canberra, and 19 and 20 were from the US and Canada, respectively.

Isn't it freaky how much people can find out about you based simply on tracking your visits to even just one site?

For instance that Paradise question I asked before, it was the person browsing for Home & Away information (the script for episode 4103 to be exact) they live in Wellington, New Zealand, and they stayed long enough to go into the archives and have a look at my post on the 28th of February.

There I answered my own question.

That's freaky.


More fascinating facts, this time about the planet Venus:

- Venus is a planet that is suffering from the effects of a run-away greenhouse effect. It is so hot that C02 is forced out of the ground and into the atmosphere - literally boiled out of the rocks.
- The atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than it is on Earth. That's roughly the same pressure as at 1 kilometre's depth under the surface of our oceans. The surface of Venus is so hot that it glows red.
- Venus is covered in thick clouds of sulphur dioxide that reflect about 3/4 of the sunlight that it gets, making it fairly dark on the surface. They also rain acid rain onto the surface (at least they would, but it's so hot the rain evaporates).
- Therefore, anyone stepping out of a spacecraft would be simultaneously flattened, burnt to a crisp, and dissolved by the acid rain vapour in the air.
- However the atmosphere is so thick that it distorts light. It is just as light at night as it is at day. Also, because the atmosphere bends light around the surface of the planet, anyone who survived long enough to stand on the surface and look around would be able to see the entire planet's surface, if they had a good enough telescope. Except it wouldn't be flat, it'd be like looking up the sides of a massive bowl. Still, if you had a good enough telescope, which ever way you looked, you would be able to see right around the planet and back to yourself. You would be able to watch yourself! In fact you'd probably see an endless succession of you standing there watching yourself - kind of like standing between two mirrors and looking at yourself in one of them.

Fascinating huh?

I bet you're wondering where I got that from.

At least, I bet you are now.


Also, mum randomly found and gave me a book that looks set to destroy the time I'm meant to be spending on assignments - it's called Bono - On Bono. You can probably guess what it's about.

Look's like it'll be a good'un.



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