Blog Eight

Food or Blog Eight? I'll Have Blog Eight

Location: Auckland, New Zealand

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Freaky Cyber Stalker Program Disguised As Innocent Sitemeter

I discovered more stuff while look around my site meter. It's really quite freaky when you realise just how much information you're potentially giving away when you visit sites. I can tell each of you exactly what your IP address is, who your ISP is, where you live (to the nearest suburb/town in some cases), what your Operating System is, what language you use on your computer, what your Internet Browser is and what version, what version of Javascript it uses, your monitor resolution and colour depth, when you last visited, how long you visited for, how many pages within the blog you looked at, who referred you to me (usually (thanks henry)), and what visit number you were.

It's useful to the extent that I can now roughly tell (based on what I already know about people's computers, like, this person uses iHug, that person uses Worldnet, these people are most likely to use Korean as their computer language, this person uses Firefox and can only support a 800 x 600 resolution) who really is visitng my blog and I can base my posts around who is likely to read them (reaching the target audience).

Market research.

Actually it's mostly just curiosity. I don't tend to tailor my posts around a target audience, and in my half-awake state (its 2am) I was trying to find a reason why you'd have all that stuff on a sitemeter site. It isn't useful, except to stalk people. And tell them whether or not they've enabled Javascript on their computers.



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