Blog Eight

Food or Blog Eight? I'll Have Blog Eight

Location: Auckland, New Zealand

Saturday, April 01, 2006


- Congratulations to Dennis's mum!

- Welcome back Henry :)

- I have another project to do. It's really hard. It's mechanical drawing. It's worth 25%. It's due on Thursday.

- Approximately 30% of English words are from French.

- Blogs to visit: Henry's, Raymond's, Helen's, Dennis's, Steve's, Deven's, Kat's, Pei Yun's.

- Kat what's your blog's URL?

- If your blog isn't on the above list, please send me the address. If you don't have one, start one.

- Staff party tonight! 12am - 8am. It's gonna ROCK! Pirate costume. Arrrr.

- I'm working till 11:45pm, which doesn't rock.

- The word "knight", which is pronounced /nait/ was originally pronounced /knIxt/ where /I/ sounds like the "i" in "bit", and the /x/ is pronounced like the "ch" in "loch" or "Bach" (the way the Scots and Germans say it, not the way we say it). the "gh" combination in English used to be pronouced like /x/. When French became the official language of England after 1066, the "gh" sound was lost. So "through", "thought", "bough", and so on, would have had the same /x/ sound.

- It's because of things like this that English pronounciation is so hard for people from other languages to learn.

- Today is April Fool's Day. I slept until after 12, so I didn't get to pull any pranks :(

- Minimum wage has gone up!!

- I'm gonna go attempt my project now.


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