Blog Eight

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Location: Auckland, New Zealand

Monday, May 01, 2006

A Post Without Verbs

Le Train De Nulle Part - a book by French doctor Michel Dunsel. A 233 page novel without a single verb. Easy? Fairly. Dunsel's idea - languages without verbs. Unnecessary wastes of space. Perfectly understandable without them - just shorter, more fragmented sentences.

An excerpt from his book:

Quelle aubaine! Une place de libre, ou presque, dans ce compartiment. Une escale provisoire, pourquoi pas! Donc, ma nouvelle adresse dans ce train de nulle part: voiture 12, 3ème compartiment dans le sens de la marche. Encore une fois, pourquoi pas?

No verbs.

And in english, for the french-challenged:

Fool's luck! A vacant seat, almost, in that train. A provisional stop, why not? So, my new address in this nowhere train : car 12, 3rd compartment, forward. Once again, why not?

233 pages about a man in a railway carriage.

No verbs so far in this post. Not one. Unnecessary things. Nice though.

"Verbs - the only truly necessary part of a sentence" - apparently. Not any more. "Not a sentence without verbs" - not true anymore. Plently of sentences in this post - none with verbs. On the other hand - "nouns - the only truly necessary part of a sentence" - very true. Without nouns - just nonsense, without verbs, still a sentence. Prior teaching wrong.

A repeat of the post above, this time without nouns:

Opening to read, one is named to have written. To have not expressed that one does, throughout. Easy? Fairly. To have an idea of being without expressing ones doing. Proposing to be unnecessary. To understand perfectly without this, just being shorter, more fragmentary.

To quote :

Quelle aubaine! Une place de libre, ou presque, dans ce compartiment. Une escale provisoire, pourquoi pas! Donc, ma nouvelle adresse dans ce train de nulle part: voiture 12, 3ème compartiment dans le sens de la marche. Encore une fois, pourquoi pas?

Repeated, to be understood when not previously understanding:

Fool's luck! A vacant seat, almost, in that train. A provisional stop, why not? So, my new address in this nowhere train : car 12, 3rd compartment, forward. Once again, why not?

All about one which is fully grown and male in that which conveys.

Being verbless so far. All are. Being unnecessary but nice.

"To express doing must be necessary" - or so they teach. Not any more. "Cannot be, without expressing that which is done" - is not true anymore. Plenty here, and without having used. Or, "expressing that which is, this is truly necessary" - very true. To be not expressing this is to be nonsense. To be not expressing doing, is still able to be understood. There has been wrong teaching.


Can one understand easier having not expressed that which one does, or that which one is?


More understandable without nouns or without verbs?


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