Blog Eight

Food or Blog Eight? I'll Have Blog Eight

Location: Auckland, New Zealand

Monday, April 24, 2006

Random Movie Facts

You may or may not be interested to know this about Berkeley Cinemas Botany (those of you who work there are probably more interested):

Since we opened (December 2004), the 5 most popular movies in terms of movies sold are:

1. King Kong
2. Narnia
3. Star Wars III
4. Harry Potter 4
5. World's Fastest Indian

World's Fastest Indian was also our longest running movie, running for about 4 months (about twice as long as any of the others in the top 5).

We were also the number 4 most popular cinema in the country behind:

1. Reading Cinemas Wellington
2. Village Cinemas Queen St
3. Village Cinemas St Lukes

I can't remember what the 5 biggest money-earner movies were at Botany, except that Madagascar was number 4 and I'm pretty sure King Kong was at number 1.



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