Blog Eight

Food or Blog Eight? I'll Have Blog Eight

Location: Auckland, New Zealand

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Aprendo Español

It's 1:33am. I have a project due in in 35 hours. I am halfway through. I'm not sure how I'm going to get it finished in that time. It's not so much that the project is long, it's more that I'm struggling with both solving ordinary differential equations, and with understanding the cryptic way they ask the questions.

Hopefully I can get some help at uni later today. Hopefully they'll be there to ask. Hopefully they won't be studying Materials work instead.

m(d^2z2/dt^2) = -cx*z2*sqrt(z2^2 + z4^2) ... is that right? I hope so. Now to rewrite the Matlab code to incorporate it.

Hmm. Those graphs look ok. I don't know how accurate they are though. Probably meant to solve it analytically as well to compare it. Oh no... not enough time, not enough time!

Listening to dance music. I love dance music. I don't know whether or not I prefer it over rock. They're both great in their own ways...

...Except dance music can be awesome. But then, so can rock...

Particularly Children by Robert Miles! After a year of hearing it and loving it, I finally got it tonight! Constantly relistening to it. It is awesome. I recommend you get it.

It's 1:44am. Time is marching on. I haven't got any further in my project. Then after this I've got to do another one for next monday. That will be a mission!

Here's a midi of Children. I've never been a big fan of the quality of midi files, but this one isn't too bad. Nowhere near as good as the actual song though. If this song does nothing for you, then you will never like dance music.

It's 1:50am. This is me passing back to my project...


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