Blog Eight

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Location: Auckland, New Zealand

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

I Learnt Something Today

You are:

Cordially invited to come see SUPERMAN RETURNS tomorrow morning. Text/call/msn/come-and-visit me for the time.

There are so many movies I want to see at the moment. I want to see:

Superman Returns
Over the Hedge

And I kinda want to see Krrish with someone if there's anyone out there who wants to come and find out what it's like to be the only non-Indian (or maybe not) in a full cinema.

Funny story: I served two women who I think must be the two stupidest (and almost the fattest) women I have ever met, at work today. Here's what happened. They shuffled up to the counter, and the front lady handed me two Granton Comps (those red and blue card things that Rikky has for those of you who don't know what they are and do know Rikky) and stood and looked at me. So I gave it a couple of seconds (as you do with people who expect that you already know what movie they want to see) then asked what movie they wanted to see. I was not expecting the answer I got:

David: "What movie do you want to see?"
Woman [mumbling and staring vacantly]: "I dunno"
[David stands stunned]
Woman: "What movies are you showing?"
[David lists every movie for the next 2 hours. The next one isn't for 40 minutes]
[Woman thinks (or something)]
Woman: "The first one"
David: "The next movie? Over the Hedge? That's at 12:00" [It was 11:20am]
Woman: "Yuhh" [Looks pleased with herself]
David: "I'm sorry you can't actually use these [Granton Cards] for this movie - it's still a no comps movie."
[Woman mumbles something I can't remember]
[David explains how no comps works, and states that it could be a week or so before she can use it]
[Woman pauses, then thanks David and takes back the comps. She and her friend go into the toilets]

10 or so minutes later...

[Women emerge from the toilets, make their way back to David's till.]
Woman: "What can I see with this?" [Holds up the two Granton Comps]
[David directs her to the no-comps list, tells her that she can see any movie not on this list, but not any on the list. This is too much for the woman, and she just stands there malfunctioning]
Woman [eventually, to David (mumbling)]: "I dunno. You decide." [She smiles]

So I put them in the 12:40 The Break-Up. My initial reaction was that while these women had the intelligence to feel an impulse to go to the movies, and to recognise it for what it was -- that was as far as it went. [Tries to talk like a pyschologist:] There appeared to be no ability to take the impulse further - to do intelligent things like investigate movie times, or to even be aware of what movies were currently showing. There also appeared to be no ability take in new information and make a decision based on it in anything like a normal amount of time. It appears to have taken the entire time spent in the toilets for them to come to the conclusion that they couldn't see their first-"choice" movie, and that they therefore needed to choose another one.

To me, the fact that they weren't even aware of what movies there were to see, suggests that they have had no exposure to any advertising or trailers or even any awareness of mass hype of big movies (there are some very big movies out at the moment, and even bigger ones coming), which itself suggests that these women have very little ability to understand (or to want to undertand) what goes on around them. In fact, most things about them (from their social awareness to their intelligence) suggest that they had recently crawled out from under a rock. The only problem with this theory is that, given their size, it is far more likely that the rock crawled out from under them.

Still, I saw them after they came out of the movie, and they looked like they had enjoyed themselves (actually, now I think of it, they didn't look like two women who had seen a movie and had enjoyed it and were discussing it - they looked like two women who had never seen a movie, or who had immediately forgotten it, and had suddenly found themselves in the cinema hallway with each other and decided to make the most of it and enjoy eachothers company.

I guess it doesn't matter how bright or stupid you are, so long as you have a friend like yourself to share it with.


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