Blog Eight

Food or Blog Eight? I'll Have Blog Eight

Location: Auckland, New Zealand

Monday, June 26, 2006

A Post For The Sake Of It

Back to the long hours of work these holidays. Between now and the fifth of July, I am working:

-This Wednesday all day
-Friday all day
-Saturday night
-Sunday afternoon and night
-Tuesday night
-Wednesday afternoon and night

It's REALLY annoying! I came on holiday to RELAX not to WORK SOME MORE!!! I think I might ask for time off just to be able to actually have some sort of holiday. Is anyone interested in going away anywhere? At least I'm not the only one. Almost everyone has been landed with four or five shifts this roster.

Hey by the way! I've got broadband back and now it's got FIVE times the capacity that it did have!! Yes, we upgraded our account :)

And it's at 2 Megabits!! That's ... 40 times the speed of dial-up!!!

Last night I was closing work, which meant that between about 10pm and midnight, me, the supervisor, and the projectionist were the only staff there. Anyway, the projector in Cinema 6 randomly cut out in the middle of Krrish and we had to placate a whole crowd of Indians for several minutes (I don't know why, but angry Indian women are the worst people to have to deal with). It wasn't so bad though. Everyone was fairly cheerful, but it made my night a bit more exciting.

Lastly, here's a picture that might interest you. Don't click on the link unless you have broadband though - it's very big (ie. 2MB)

Oh, and did I mention? I like italics.


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