Blog Eight

Food or Blog Eight? I'll Have Blog Eight

Location: Auckland, New Zealand

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Sonny's Blogged!

Sonny has a non-secretive blog now! You can find it here!


Had my first exam this morning. That's right - FIRST exam! It was Linguist 103 - Introduction to English Linguistics.

Ridiculously easy.

It was a 2 hour exam and i finished it in 40 minutes. It had exactly the same format as the last couple of year's exams (down to almost identical questions), except that this one was way easier.

Some funny stuff happened in it though. The exam room was Commerce C room 303. We got 2 people in our exam room who shouldn't have been there. One was a guy for Comlaw. I don't know how he could have read the exam timetable so badly wrong, because "Comlaw" is a long way from "Linguist", but it's possible that he read that Linguistics was in Commerce C and somehow associated that with Commercial Law! And maybe he read "Linguistics" and thought that was another word for "Law" - his english didn't seem too crash hot.

Then there was the other guy sitting English 101 (or something) and was adamant that the board had said that English 101 was definitely in Commerce C room 303. He knew he was right. He knew he wasn't in the wrong room, yet the exam supervisors had no record for him and no English 101 paper for him, so they told him to go to the exam co-ordination room in Commerce A and see what was going on.

I checked the boards after my exam, and the guy was right! His exam was in Commerce C 303! What he didn't see though, was that English 101 was an afternoon exam! It started at 2:15pm, not 9:15am which is when he turned up for it!!

He obviously understood his exam timetable!

Here's a photo I took above the quad while having breakfast/lunch with Mike, Dennis, and Sonny:


That is FUNNY!!


I reckon the greatest military quote ever quoted has to be what the Duke of Wellington said about the exchange of artillery fire at the Battle of Waterloo - "Hard pounding, this, gentlemen. Let's see who can pound the longest."

It is such a brilliantly casual understatement! You can almost see him sipping tea from fine china while cannon balls and mortar shells explode around him - not so much as raising an eyebrow! And not a hint of fear, or "maybe this was a bad idea we're all going to die somebody stop it!"

To be sure, the British bred some great military leaders.


Here's Wikipedia of the Week

And here's something else I found, for fans of the old school Looney Tunes cartoons (like me)! With all the old characters - Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, Elmer, Yosemite Sam, Tweety and Sylvester, Road-Runner and the Coyote, and all the rest!


By the way, Henry, I have something of yours. At least I think it's yours (I've had it for so long). It's your The Incredibles soundtrack.

Sorry :(. I'll give it back.


And finally, here's a ghost story of sorts for you. I'm telling it to you, because it freaked me out when I read it, and I don't get scared by ghost stories very easily. Enjoy.

Cryptozoology is the study of mysterious creatures that have been supposedly encountered by one or more people, but that haven't been proven to exist or not exist. The creatures themselves are called "cryptids". The Yeti and the Loch Ness Monster are both cryptids. Some people think cryptids are undiscovered species, some say they are supernatural - ghosts or demons or monsters or the like. This is the story of an encounter with one such cryptid - the Lizard-Man of Scape Ore Swamp.

It was around 2am on the morning of June 29, 1988. Eighteen year old Christopher Davis was driving home from work, taking a road that bordered Scape Ore Swamp, in Lee County, South Carolina, USA, when his tire blew out. He got out to change it, and as he was finishing, he heard a loud *thump* from a field across the road. Here's what happened in his own words:

“I looked back and saw something running across the field towards me. It was about 25 yards away and I saw red eyes glowing. I ran into the car and as I locked it, the thing grabbed the door handle. I could see him from the neck down – the three big fingers, long black nails and green rough skin. It was strong and angry. I looked in my mirror and saw a blur of green running. I could see his toes and then he jumped on the roof of my car. I thought I heard a grunt and then I could see his fingers through the front windshield, where they curled around on the roof. I sped up and swerved to shake the creature off.”

When asked to elaborate later, he said the creature was about 7 feet tall.

When he got home, Christopher woke his parents. They found scratches around the door handle, the side wing mirror was bent, and there were scratches and grooves on the roof of the car.

In October 2005, a Lee County woman called the police, saying she saw two such creatures lurking outside her house.


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