Blog Eight

Food or Blog Eight? I'll Have Blog Eight

Location: Auckland, New Zealand

Friday, June 23, 2006


Although it's a bit late, I found the perfect song for exams. It's called Falling Away With You by Muse.

Why is it such a good exam song? It has the line "I hope I won't forget a thing."

Speaking of Muse, I've recently been going through a phase of "go through my music list and decide what bands I should get to know better and download more of their songs." Those of you who get kicks out of watching on msn what other people are playing, might have noticed the results of my download spree - I've been playing a lot of Evermore, Fall Out Boy, and Muse. I've noticed another result - I've gone over my monthly broadband cap! Grrrr. That happened only 11 days into the month! 19 more days of dial-up speeds!

That really sucks.

There's one song by Muse that I particularly like - their song Endlessly. It's got a really cool re-mixed organ meets alt. rock kind of sound. I've been listening to it ... (wait for it) ... endlessly.

I crack myself up sometimes.

Anyway, I give you the lyrics:

Muse - Endlessly

There's part of me you'll never know
It's the only thing I'll never show

Hopelessly - I'll love you endlessly
Hopelessly - I'll give you everything
But I won't give you up
I won't let you down
And I won't leave you falling
If the moment ever comes

It's plain to see it's trying to speak
Cherished dreams forever asleep

Hopelessly - I'll love you endlessly
Hopelessly - I'll give you everything
But I won't give you up
I won't let you down
And I won't leave you falling
If the moment ever comes

Hopelessly - I'll love you endlessly
Hopelessly - I'll give you everything
But I won't give you up
I won't let you down
And I won't leave you falling
But the moment never comes


By the way, about my mm2 exam. I based most my study around the content of the previous years' exams, which were all very similar to each other.

However, this exam, in two of the four sections, they went and changed the kinds of questions they ask to ones that I hadn't studied! (I hadn't studied them because they had never appeared before.) That really sucked. Because of the combination of unexpected questions + not enough time spent studying, my exam mark has just shot from an expected 75% or so (based on how well I did in previous exams) to about 50%, if that. That's a big problem, because I think I need roughly 50% in the exam to pass the course. In the end, I think, whether I pass or fail, it will only be by a few percent.

I really don't want to have to resit it next year. That'd suck a lot.

So that was my bummer for the day.

Still, I'm hanging out for that A+ in French!


Time to start revising French.

Bonjour, je m'appelle David. Je suis dix-neuf ans, et j'habite a Auckland, en Nouvelle-Zelande. Tous les jours, j'aime me reveiller a onze heures du matin. Puis, je mange le petit-dejeuner et quelquefois je me douche (quelquefois je me douche le soir). Samedi matin, je vais ecrire un exam.

J'habite dans une maison. Ma maison a deux etages. Au rez-de-chaussez, il y a la cuisine, le salon, et la salle a manger. Dans la cuisine, on peut trouver un frigo, et ... ummm...

Au premier etage, on peut trouver les chambres. Il y a trois chambres - ma chambre, la chambre de ma soeur, et la chambre de mes parents. J'ai un lit et un bureau dans ma chambre. Aussi j'ai beaucoup de livres.

Ma maison est situee a l'est d'Auckland, a Howick. J'aime Howick. C'est un beau banlieu.

Revision over.

Any mistakes?


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