Blog Eight

Food or Blog Eight? I'll Have Blog Eight

Location: Auckland, New Zealand

Tuesday, July 11, 2006


This is funny - Windows Media Player thinks that the song I'm playing is 3:08 minutes long, yet it is currently 7 minutes and 28 seconds into it.

My results for last Semester go like this:

MEHCENG 234 - Mechanical Design: B

ENGSCI 211 - Mathematical Modelling 2: C+

LINGUIST 103 - Intro. to English Linguistics: B+

FRENCH 101 - Introductory French 1: A+

Basically, I was expecting about a B for Design, and for MM2 I was just hoping to pass! So a C+ for that is way better than I was hoping for!! I'm dissappointed with Linguistics - originally I was hoping for a straight A, but I was expecting an A-, so a B+ is dissappointing -- but I got my A+ for French!!! I'm SO happy about that!! (But then I woulda been disappointed to get lower.)

Here's my subjects next semester:

Good luck reading that.

French 102 - Introductory French 2 is bastardly early, but unfortunately that 10am session is the latest available *grimaces*. That's gonna require being up at about 8am 4 days a week, which will mean being asleep by midnight *grimaces again*. Should be good though. By the end of this course I'll be fluent in enough French to be able to get by visiting a French speaking country.

English 121 - Reading/Writing/Texts is practically the only English course that fits my timetable. I hope it doesn't bore me out of my mind. It's got a lot of stuff like "how to write a good essay", but it also has a bit of creative writing (which I LOVE). Interesting that it's 2 tutorials to 1 lecture. Looks like it's gonna be fairly practical. What's the bet the tutorials are compulsory.

Mecheng 224 - System Dynamics Modelling, System and Animation "introduces the basics of modelling, simulation and animation of a dynamics of systems, structures, objects and devices." Ummm . . . help? Uh oh. I have no idea what this is, but it sounds slightly insane. Goal: To pass.

Mecheng 222 - Dynamics is nice and straightfoward - at least this one is just basic ["basic"] mechanical physics. I'm gonna have to revise the dynamics section from last year though, coz I didn't do so well in that last year.

Mecheng 211 - Thermofluids - I don't know what to think about this one. Fluids can be terrible things to have to analyse. Looks like it's to do with temperature exchange in a fluid or something.

Enggen 299 - Workshop Experience is just that. I go over to AUT every monday night to spend 3 hours in a workshop doing practical things. Could be fun.

So yeah, this semester is probably going to be mind-achingly theoretical. It could be interesting - especially with a 5 (technically 6) papers' workload. This semester could go either way. It's gonna be interesting.

Anyway it's almost bedtime.



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