Blog Eight

Food or Blog Eight? I'll Have Blog Eight

Location: Auckland, New Zealand

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Sick And Tired

So basically, I'm really quite sick, and will probably be calling in sick to work for the next day or two. I keep coughing, and it hurts to cough; my voice is practically gone, and it hurts to talk for very long. I feel pretty miserable. Every day this week it's been a little bit worse. I hope that trend doesn't continue.

On the other hand, getting out of work means I avoid having Stalin as my supervisor tomorrow night.


I have a request. It goes like this:

There are two reasons you put an "s" on the end of a noun. One is to show it's a plural, the other is to show that it's the owner of something (yes I have taken a Linguistics paper - it shows sometimes).

When it's a plural, you add "-s" or "-es" to the end of a word.
When it's a possessor, you add "-'s" - an "s" with an apostrophe either before or after it (depending on if it's singular or plural).

For example:

"I read a book."
"We read several books."

"The boy's piano is missing."
"The boys' pianos are missing."

(NOT "the boys piano's are missing")

Here's my request:


It really, really gets to me when people can't get them around the right way!

This last week has been mad. Basically this is what I've done (other than get sicker and sicker):

- Monday: Bum. (day off work.)
-Tuesday: Get up, bum for a bit, then go to work. Come home, go to bed.
- Wednesday: Get up, go to work, watch Pirates of the Carribean, come home, go to bed.
- Thursday: Get up, go to work, come home, crash.

Yeah, we're shortstaffed, and it's the busiest season we have ever had.


In better news:

As I just mentioned, I saw Pirates of the Carribean 2 last night! The screentest! Everyone from work was invited. It gets:

out of 10.

Basically, everything you liked about the first POTC is back, and everything you didn't like about it is also back. I really, really enjoyed it. One obvious downer was Orlando Bloom's and Kiera Knightley's (is that how you spell it?) inability to act (except in a couple of places). For example, Orlando's pitiful attempt at pretending to be scared while facing Davy Jones for the first time.

I think one of my favourite parts of it has to be the entire 2nd island scene - not the first island you get to see, but the second one - the one that appears to be mostly beach (you'll know what I mean when you see it). I think it was probably the slapstick nature of a lot of that sequence, while combined with some pretty impressive fight scenes (and character interactions) that made it. I would see the entire movie again just to see that island sequence again.

It seems that a lot in the Pirates movies is based on experimenting with different forms of humour, and how to tie it in with a solid, blatantly fun, swashbuckling adventure.

Another thing, is that near the end, it suddenly takes a turn toward the epic. With the totally unexpected appearance of one or two characters, the third movie seems set up to be a real ripsnorter! (Yes, that's "ripsnorter!" with a capital "!".)

Basically there's a whole lot I want to say, but it'll spoil it for you. So all I'll say is this: Go see it. Pronto.


Here's another thought (thanks Katie):

Berkeley is not a movie theatre - it is a mental institution that has 8 cinemas; and those of us inside - we are all clinically insane.


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