Blog Eight

Food or Blog Eight? I'll Have Blog Eight

Location: Auckland, New Zealand

Sunday, July 02, 2006


Basically over the past couple of days I had stuff to write about, but no time. Now I've got time, but nothing to write about.

Except I can write that I have a throat that feels like I've swallowed a brick. Everytime I swallow it really really hurts! It feels like I might have tonsilitis or something. Poor me :(

I can also write about Superman Returns! It gets an:

out of 10.

Very, very good movie. Everything I'd hoped for and more!


Brandon Routh is a great Clark Kent / Superman. He really delivers. And the Superman death scene was really well done. It was genuine - it didn't seem . . . like . . . well, having the main superhero character die and ressurect can seem quite gimmicky - like it's been done for effect - to evoke a reaction from the audience, but instead it just undermines the . . . emotional realism of the film (I guess you could call it that) - especially when they're ressurected because someone tells their corpse that they love them (ie. The Matrix - although that death/ressurection was essential for the plot). But where most scenes like that take away from the film, I think the death and ressurection of Superman added to the film. It deepened it. I was impressed by that. Especially that he was ressurected because of the power re-implanted in him by his son.

And Brandon Routh IS a great Clark Kent / Superman!!

And as for Kevin Spacey - he is the man!! I was blown away by his Lex Luthor performance! He seemed to be really enjoying the role. I've always found (from personal experience - maybe it's different for other people) that you can never truly act a character, unless you feel you own that character. And you can never feel you own a character, unless you thoroughly enjoy playing that character. For my Grade 8 drama exam, I had two characters that I thoroughly enjoyed (one was a sleazy, incestuous Italian and the other was Adrian Mole), and because I loved them, I played them both really well, and had the examiner (always a starched, proper, intimidating, emotionless, old lady imported from London) crying out in horror at the Italian, and giggling at Adrian Mole.

Anyway, thats a random nostalgic tangent - the point is - Kevin Spacey obviously felt he owned Lex Luthor - because he was the man at playing him.

Here's a little Wikipedia.



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