Blog Eight

Food or Blog Eight? I'll Have Blog Eight

Location: Auckland, New Zealand

Thursday, August 31, 2006

Real Dreams And Fake Dreams

Far out my dreams are realistic! In part of a dream I had this morning I was listening to a radio station that my dad sometimes listens to - I tuned in towards the end of a program where a guy was talking about stuff, and listening to this radio show in my dream, I actually learnt something! How is that possible? If dreams are (as I think they are) simply products of your subconscious while your consciousness sleeps - not subject to any external input - then how can you learn something in a dream?! That's really bizarre. Not only that, but after the show a song came on that doesnt even exist in real life - and it was a pretty good song too! Yet when I'm conscious I couldn't come up with a tune that good to save my life!

That's just weird. Really weird.

Anyway, here's a picture that made me laugh. It's of a United Nations meeting. Spot the Number of the Beast:

So yeah. I learnt a valuable life lesson the other day ( I seem to have learnt a few recently), and that is this: When you get close enough to someone, there is going to be friction. You're going to have disagreements and arguments and fights, and they (the person) are going to offend you occasionaly. It's a given. You could get offended by their behaviour, for what ever reason that is causing you offence, and you could get angry, frustrated, resentful, bitter, etc.

But if that's the case, it means that you are actually searching for the perfect person - someone who will treat you just the way you want, will see things the same way you do, and will provide for all your needs. That person does not exist! Even though you may know that in your mind you may still need to learn it in your heart. You need to realise that noone is exactly the way you want them to be, noone is perfect, and if you accept them for who they are, shortcomings and all, and move on, then you will have a friendship worth living for.

Yeah. It wasn't until only a few days ago that that really sunk in for me. I hope it stays.



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