Blog Eight

Food or Blog Eight? I'll Have Blog Eight

Location: Auckland, New Zealand

Thursday, September 14, 2006


Yesterday on the bus home there was this middle-aged asian business guy sitting behind me on the bus who kept kicking my seat!

And he had the most annoying ringtone on his mobile and he let it play for a good ten to fifteeen seconds before answering it!

And - what's far, far worse - he kept coughing and not covering his mouth - meaning he kept coughing over me!!!

Middle-aged or not, businessman or not, i was this close to turning around and punching him.


Anyway, on the bus home today I saw an ad on a billboard for this company. Then I realised that the name of the company - Ad-Vantage is a really, really clever pun! Think about it - a vantage point is a high-up place from which you can see and be seen (perfectly describing the billboards that this company leases) - so they're saying that you have to get your ad in a vantage point in order to have an advantage over your competitors! Is that clever or what?

I think it is.

Yeah, I didn't have Dick behind me today so I was free to ponder on things like that without someone's phelgm splattering on me.


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