Blog Eight

Food or Blog Eight? I'll Have Blog Eight

Location: Auckland, New Zealand

Monday, September 04, 2006

Attack of the Killer Stingray

So Steve Irwin is dead. Killed by a stingray (not a crocodile) that he disturbed while filming a documentary underwater. Apparently his death may be the fourth time in Australia's recorded history that someone has been killed by a stingray, making the attack almost unprecedented. The stingray either stuck a poisonous barb about a foot long straight through his heart (from the news) or it stung him with a poisonous barb and he died of a heart attack (Wikipedia). It's a real shame.

As I write this, it happened 7 or 8 hours ago and already Wikipedia's article on him has been updated to include it!


I saw United 93 tonight. I thoroughly recommend it! Go see it! It gets:

out of 10. Very, very moving. I actually felt like I was watching it all over again for the first time. The movie isn't so much about what went on in United 93 flight as it is about what went on in there in context with what happened everywhere else. I didn't think the movie spent enough time telling the story of the flight itself, and spent too much time on telling what happened everywhere else - but having said that, it told the story of what happened on 9/11 very, very well. My eyes actually watered a bit when the second plane hit the second tower. But yeah, I think the movie should have been called "9/11: The Story; Focusing on flight United 93."

Also, I agree with everyone else - the camera was too jerky. That didn't help.

I was going to say something else too, but it left. So that's all. Peace out.



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