Blog Eight

Food or Blog Eight? I'll Have Blog Eight

Location: Auckland, New Zealand

Monday, October 30, 2006

David The Gardener


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Those are two young Kakapo. There are only 86 Kakapo left on this planet.


Just letting you know.




Yeah, I've become a gardener. I've been given my own portion of the garden to develop - it's been lying barren for several years and I volunteered to take charge of it. I've been spending quite a bit of time on researching what to put in it. Hopefully it should start taking shape shortly.

I'm actually really enjoying it! I really like gardens, and when I get a house one of the requirements it must fufill is a good garden. Preferably a big one, but then that requires a lot of land, and land is REALLY expensive!!



Went to the zoo yesterday. It was my mum's birthday on Saturday, and partly to celebrate it, and partly just coz we wanted to, my family all went to the zoo.

Had a bit of an interactive experience with one of the lions there - I was standing on one side of the thick glass panel that borders part of the enclosure, and it was a few metres away on the other side when it saw me. It just stared unblinkingly at me while I stared back at it.



Then it licked its lips.



I love the zoo. If I was leaving school this year I probably wouldn't study Engineering, I'd do something in Wildlife and become some sort of Wildlife worker - maybe a conservationist or something.



Do you know what I'd like to see? You're about to .... I'd like to see a movie adaption of the Tomorrow When the War Began series - I reckon they'd make a good movie series!



I really should do some study - I've got 9 days until my first engineering exam and I really need all nine days just to get on top of it! Then my next one is on the 13th and I'm gonna need a long time to do that as well.

How are your exams (if you go to uni)? Tell me. When are they? How are they going?



Oh, and get bebo while you're here.




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