Blog Eight

Food or Blog Eight? I'll Have Blog Eight

Location: Auckland, New Zealand

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Happy December

I saw Casino Royale yesterday morning. It's probably the best James Bond movie I've ever seen (although I'm not a big fan of Bond movies). It manages the supreme act of being an action movie with some depth! The characters actually manage to be slightly 3-dimensional, which I wasn't expecting. (You can probably tell I don't have a big opinion of action movies - the only reason I see to watch them is for the action).

Another surprise was the unpredictable unpredictableness of the plot. It was irking me that everything that happened was completely forseeable - right up until the moment where ... no I shouldn't say - it doesn't even come out for 4 days.

But yeah, even if you only moderately like action movies (like me), then see it. You'll enjoy it.

Another movie I really like (that I saw again tonight) is Catch Me If You Can. I think it's Leonardo Di Caprio's first movie that I actually enjoyed his performance in. It's one of those movies where you flick the tv off during the credits and sit back and go "Wow! That was a cool movie!" - not a Matrix kind of cool, but more like a Little Miss Sunshine cool.

I wanted to show you some pictures as well but I can't find them.

I've decided Bono is one of the greatest songwriters I know. His lyrics are poetic, which isn't unusual, because many good writer's lyrics are; the difference is that his lyrics are actually meaningful! He possesses the ability to put into words some of the deepest, vaguist feelings of the heart, which is something I have rarely ever come across - especially these days when the songs you hear most often are either about life as a thug or a highschool romance.

I find some songwriters try to write meaningful, yet poetic, lyrics and the result is a whole lot of random metaphors and a meaningless song where you can't work out whether the writer thinks he's a toaster or if he's just trying to let us know that, should we find ourselves in freefall, the ocean will get resentful.

The beauty of many of the U2 songs is that they may not make much sense until you actually experience for yourself what Bono is singing about - and then those songs will mirror the very thoughts and feelings of your heart. You could say that most songs will do this in the right situation - but the difference is that those songs are so blatantly about something that they will make sense to anyone. With many of Bono's songs it's like they're locked up - you can't understand them - you can't use them - until you need them. That's what makes him a songwriting genius.

[If that all didn't make sense, that's ok - I wrote it for myself]


Blogger c said...

it made sense.......i totally agree on teh bono.

5:36 am  

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