Blog Eight

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Location: Auckland, New Zealand

Friday, March 02, 2007

The Preview Review

It's that time of semester again when I have a look over my classes and evaluate them before they get to evaluate me. Here's how they score:

Linguist 200: Syntax and Semantics: The early start isn't so bad, although the long day that follows makes up for that. So far (2 lectures in) I'm really enjoying this paper. Having Mike in the same class is an unexpected bonus too! The lecturer seems pretty good. He sure knows his stuff it seems. We have a reader as well, which seems an interesting addition to a linguistics course. The workload: Two assignments (20% and 10%), one test (10%) and an exam (60%). Nice and easy. It gets a steady B+.

Mecheng 322: Control Systems: One of the lecturers in this one is the lecturer who I blame for my failing the dynamics section of the Mechanics paper back in first year. He was useless! I wagged lectures just coz I couldn't stand having to put up with him. Two years later he has improved SIGNIFICANTLY and isn't too bad. The other lecture was the main lecturer of System Dynamics last year. That isn't good because I learn't almost nothing from him last year. Otherwise, this paper is better than I'd hoped (so far), although the out-there maths could be a killer. The workload: One lab report and two tests (together 35%) and one exam (65%). It has an exam!! That is SO good! So much less work!! It also gets a steady B+.

Mecheng 334: Mechanical Design 2: I'm going to really like this paper I think. The projects are fun, and look a lot less intense than I'd been expecting - nothing compared to last year! The lecturers seem ok too. Only a couple of lectures a week, which is to be expected seeing as it's project based. Workload: Two projects (only two!) worth 30% and 50%, and one test (20%). Yes, they're big projects! It gets an A-.

Mecheng 242: Mechanics of Materials 1: The lecturer sends me to sleep. It's something about his voice (although it isn't at all lulling) and the warmth of the lecture theatre and the early mornings. I can't concentrate in them, and I don't think I really need them anyway as we get notes and I have the textbook. But there's no point in wagging as I have another lecture immediately after. The workload: Two lab journals (5% each), three tests (10% each) and one exam (60%). It gets a B.

Mecheng 223: Machines and Mechanisms: In theory I love this paper! We look at how various types of machines and mechanisms work. If we actually got to take real ones apart and examine them then I would love this paper to bits. Unfortunately it's at 4 or 5 in the afternoon and I really don't like having to stay for it. Unfortunately I really need to as there is no other way of getting the information. That sucks. I'm also told that it doesn't live up to it's initial promise and that eventually I'll hate it. The coursework is: Two case studies (14% and 10%), three tutorial exercises (2% each), three assignments (totalling 10%) and one exam (60%). So far it gets an A-.


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