Blog Eight

Food or Blog Eight? I'll Have Blog Eight

Location: Auckland, New Zealand

Saturday, March 10, 2007


Today I met a girl who is absolutely terrified of cats. I had heard that such a thing was possible, but I had always struggled to believe it until I saw it today. It was amazing - she was so scared that she would leap onto a chair, screaming, whenever the cat passed near her.

I also saw a preview of Tenacious D tonight. It was ... often very funny, although obviously taking the piss out of itself, and sometimes annoyingly stupid. It was essentially a self-mocking parody of all heroic, quest-seeking movies.

It gets:
4 out of 10.

Driving home from that, at some point on the way home, another car appeared behind me. It was dark, and all I could see was the round headlights, although its silhouette looked like some sort of old battered land rover - almost like an army jeep. It's headlights looked almost sinister - like round eyes. It was also hanging back - it looked like it wasn't driving particularly fast, and it was slowly falling further behind. Anyway, I started to pretend to imagine that it was in fact sinister - like some sort of ghost jeep - and that it was following me and I had to shake it off (I like to have fun with the cars around me sometimes). If it disappeared from sight as I rounded a corner I had to make it to the next one before it reappeared, otherwise it'd see me again. However it always rounded the corner behind me before I got to the next one - slowly but purposefully, and I imagined that if it was really a ghost jeep it would follow me the whole way home and I might have to drive around the block a few times to lose it. I began to wonder how good a horror movie could be made based on the idea of being constantly pursued by a ghost jeep. ANYWAY, I eventually got to my street and turned into it - and a few seconds later, so did the jeep. I didn't like that, and sped up a bit, but as I got near my house it was still there some distance behind me, with me in plain view. It had fulfilled everything I imagined it would do if it was a real ghost jeep. I drove into my driveway and got out and turned to look to see which way it would go...

...but it wasn't there! It had completely disappeared! There were no headlights in nearby driveways and not so much as a hint of the sound of a car engine! It was far enough behind me that by the time I had stopped in front of my garage door its headlights should have been shining directly on me through the trees as it stopped at the intersection, but there was nothing! No headlights, no engine noise, nothing in nearby driveways - no jeep.

I found that intriguing to say the least.


Apparently the reason Steve's tagboard doesn't open is because it's missing an 'h' from an 'http' somewhere in the code


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